Tode’s Weekly Assessment #15

It’s been a semi rough week. Migraine recovery, kitchen at my parents still tore up for painting, parents bickering over who’s fault it is for having so many projects going at once in the first place and therefore the three rooms we need to move into are not ready (Dad had it in his head that we HAD to move in by the end of the month, but I’m not putting my intent to move notice in until those rooms are ready), my parents’ involvement with my boys’ discipline (especially Little Bear), stress over not having money for the two boys’ birthdays – the bullshit list goes on. I’m starting to question the wisdom in my decision to move in here despite my lack of function. My father-in-law made arrangements to visit on my birthday to visit the boys without acknowledging that day is my birthday. He only stated “next weekend” and without checking the calendar I said “fine” when if I had checked I would have told him to pick a different day. That day of all days is never fine. I don’t know if it will ever be fine again, but right now it’s the day the world could burn and I wouldn’t care. Sometimes I think I could very easily be one of the ones holding the torch. Let it go? Sure… as soon as assholes like Brock Turner get and serve real full sentences for their crimes.

Mood Score Key:

Sliding into Hypomania = 1  ~ Hypomania = 2 ~  Mania = 3  ~  Baseline (My Normal) = 0

Sliding into Depression = -1  ~  Depression = -2  ~  Severe Depression = -3

Energy Score Key:

Low = -1  ~  Normal = 0  ~  High = 1

Irritation Score Key:

None = 0  ~  Mild = 1  ~  Moderate = 2  ~  Severe = 3

Anxiety Score Key:

None = 0  ~  Mild = 1  ~  Moderate = 2  ~  Severe = 3

Migraine Score Key:

None = 0  ~  Mild = 1  ~  Moderate = 2  ~  Severe = 3 ~ Extreme = 4 ~ Aura Present = A

Sleep Quality Score Key:

Bad = -1  ~  Normal = 0  ~  Great = 1

Special Notes for the Week

Menes Start Date: ~

Weigh-In at Med Clinic: ~

Saturday ~ September 24, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: -1 ~ Irritation: 1 ~ Anxiety: 1 ~ Migraine: 2A

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 10:30pm night before, up @ 5:30am – 7 hours total

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7am
  • 600mg Ibuprophen @ 7am
  • 600mg Ibuprophen @ 2pm
  • 1200mg Ibuprophen @ 7pm
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7pm
  • 600mg Ibuprophen @ 10pm


  • 3 Cups Coffee
  • 2 Slices Pizza


  • Blacked out between 2pm and 6pm
  • Tried really hard to keep my promise to the younger two boys and have a little birthday party for them

Sunday ~ September 25, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: 0 ~ Irritation: 1 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 1A

Hours of Sleep: damn if I can remember

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ ?
  • 75mg Topmax @ 7pm


  • 6 Cups Coffee
  • 2 Slices Pizza

Monday ~ September 26, 2016

Mood: -1 ~ Energy: -1 ~ Irritation: 0 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 1

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 12am, up @ 7:30am – 7.5 hours sleep

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:30am
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00pm


  • 5 Cups of Coffee
  • 20oz Dr. Pepper
  • Handful of Tortilla Chips
  • 1 Giant Chocolate Muffin

Tuesday ~ September 27, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: 0 ~ Irritation: 0 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 0

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 11:30pm night before, up @ 6am – 6.5 hours

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00am
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00pm


  • 6 Cups of Coffee
  • Handful of Tortilla Chips
  • 1 Slice Leftover Pizza

Wednesday ~ September 28, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: 0 ~ Irritation: 0 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 0

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 10:30pm night before, up @ 6am – 7.5 hours

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00am
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00pm


  • 5 Cups of Coffee
  • 1 Slice of Chocolate Birthday Cake (because Dad bitched about how no one was eating them – so just eat the damn things already, there is a reason I bought 2 SMALL cakes. Next year I think I will just buy a dozen cupcakes and give them each a cupcake with a candle to blow out – or doughnuts, anything but cake)

Thursday ~ September 29, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: 0 ~ Irritation: 0 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 0

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 10:30pm night before, up @ 6am – 7.5 hours total

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00am
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00pm


  • 6 Cups of Coffee
  • Pork Roast, Boiled Potatoes with Butter, Peas

Friday ~ September 30, 2016

Mood: 0 ~ Energy: -1 ~ Irritation: 0 ~ Anxiety: 0 ~ Migraine: 0

Hours of Sleep: bed @ 12:30am, up @ 6am – 5.5 hours total

Sleep Quality: 0

Exercise Activity: ~ Exercise Time:

Meds Taken

  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00am
  • 75mg Topamax @ 7:00pm


  • 6 Cups of Coffee
  • 2 Breaded Fish Fillets, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans



7 thoughts on “Tode’s Weekly Assessment #15

  1. That’s is genius. I have never thought to keep a log of my sleeping and eating habits. Well actually lack there of.
    I don’t know if it would help but I suffer from daily life altering migraines. The only thing that has helped is the last week I have added flax seeds to every baked food I have eaten. I also put it in just about everything. It’s just ground up seeds. It was an experiment. I can not take the meds they make me worse. I have RH- blood so for some reson even ibuprofen eats holes in my stomach. So I have been trying to find balance within myself. I told michael it felt like the worse my migraines got the more it really felt like my brain was trying to shrink. My head hurt so bad I saw white lights and threw up. It would not go away. I thought my head would explode and I was going to die. Told him just leave me here to die in the quiet. (He thought it was dramatic I was soooo serious.) So he did research for a few days came back telling me he had a cure. Said the human brain is almost completely made of omega 3. Told me to stop crying I was leaking my omega three that my brain needed out of my eyes. I just figured I finally had driven him mad. He said he had some seeds taste like oatmeal that would make me feel better did I want some. No way I was eating anything that looked like we’ll you have children you know. Especially being sick to my stomach. So he and my daughter april made oatmeal rasin cookies. I was so sick and my head hurt so bad all I could manage was one tiny piece of one all I could do was lay there and cry. I’m not a weak person either. I have broke my back been handicap told I would never walk again. I can walk and I survived. This pain in my head though. I thought that would kill me. So about 20 minutes after eating the one tiny piece of the flax seed cookie I was sitting up not crying not hurting and not sick. So I made pancake mix put ground flax seeds in it baked them into mini muffins and put them in mason jars. For the last week if I think my head might hurt or I feel even a little hollow ( I don’t ever get the feeling of hungry just hollow.) I eat one. It’s been three days since my last migraine. I have had the migraines everyday for years. I had to share. If it can give you one day with your boys then the time taken from my day is worth it. Also you can bake flax seeds into the pizza crust you eat and put it in the sauce. So you can then tell people your pizza is now herbal medicine. : )

    • Damn that’s awesome that you found something natural to help you with the migraines! I too was having them every day I was just living through hell. It was HORRIBLE. I started tracking my diet to see if it was something I was eating that was triggering them. I found out that I’m allergic to citrus fruits in the process so I rescued my gut and skin from so much misery there. I also discovered that MSG and all artificial sugars where triggering many of my migraines. Since being put on Topamax many more have been prevented. I really feel like I have reclaimed a huge piece of my life back here. <3 I have never thought to give omega-3 a try. I have been told it helps with mood and brain development though and that I should give it to all my boys. Maybe we should all add it to our diets. It can't hurt.

      I've been meaning to post my study unit I had put together last year for my son on mood trackers and expand it to include some other things that are good to keep track of and why. I also wanted to discuss how parents can use them for their children via observation, not just self use. Just haven't gotten around to it. You'd think it would be a simple topic to write about, but some reason it doesn't feel like it. lol

      • Some of the things we thing would be the easiest things to share turns out to be the hardest. I am so glad to hear you have found some relief for your migraines. I know how awful they can be.

        Here are a couple of links to flax seed there uses and why its important. Flax seeds are a super food. There were entire cities that it was mandatory to eat flax seeds everyday. They wanted their cities to grow in numbers. Now we are being warned of overpopulation. No wonder they don’t tell us what we need to be healthy. They are not interested in saving the general population.

        Want to know something really crazy. Google: Death rate drops as doctors strike. Yup when the doctors go on strike people stop dying.
        flax seed links

        Also if your body is having problems with MSG and sugar, I think it may help if you also google GMO’s
        Genetically Modified food.
        There are parents in other states like Alaska who are taking their children completely off meds in change of their diet. I live in Louisiana, and i am considering moving to Alaska, at the least a state that gmo labeling is mandatory.

        I had a friend (Trevor) from england call me while he went to the grocery store there. We were looking at foods that are sold in england and here. American products. The very first thing I asked him to look at was a box of kraft mac & cheese. Seeing as that is something millions of Americans feed their small children everyday. I was horrified by the photo he sent. Marked on the side of the box clear as day in plain English right their in black and white.

        This product has been know to cause autism in children.

        Right then I decided to join the non g.m.o. movement. I could not wrap my brain around how the fda knew the dangers of this fake food and still allowed companies to not label this poison and still sell it to us for our children knowing what it can do. The vaccinations also cause serious health problems. A friend of mine has two boys. Both vaccinated both eat processed food. The only difference between these boys who have to be medicated the rest of their life, can not go in the sun because of the medications, can not play like children always sick. is my daughter has never been vaccinated and does not eat processed food. She is a year younger than either of the boys and is about a foot taller. We try to avoid all gmos and eat only organic foods. She has never been sick. Twice she has something like the flu in 12 years. She is the leader in eating right in this house. She recently did some research on eating meat and wrote a petition to congress outlining why animal consumption is dangerous to humans considering the cruelty the animals are suffering being repeatedly injected with chemicals like lab rats first. Her petition was granted. I was convinced when she was done and I signed her petition to stop farm animal cruelty. Now we are vegetarians. She says according to her research and paper that eating meat that has been treated with the hormones and antibiotics are causing hyperthyroidism in people. Many people who are diagnosed with bipolar, have been later been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. They have very similar symptoms. Hyperthyroidism is an imbalance in the thyroid gland that causes an imbalance in the chemicals that the thyroid clan produce and release. So now there is no meat in our house. I have a stash of crab cakes and fish. It’s the only meat they will let me get. I could be rude and argue, but I don’t want to feel like I do anymore. So I am trying whatever they ask. About seven years ago I junked the t.v. Stopped eating sweets. I thought the tv was encouraging my daughter to be hostile. That I was right about. No tv no more sassy britches. Now she reads and does research on her own. Truly a shocking change. Like a different child. Then I stopped eating sweets. Thinking they were the cause. Then no more cokes. aka what my neighbors to the north call soda’s. I thought it would cure my insomnia. no sugar then I would be able to sleep. That did not work out so well. Still have problems sleeping. You know if I could go to a doctor and anything that they could do actually helped me I would have just taken the pills and probably just given up. When I went they gave me pills that almost killed me. They prescribed me blood pressure meds among other things. Not at the hospital either. A psychologist prescribed them to me. He actually told me to take two in the morning then take them as needed throughout the day. It’s not like they were nerve pills or something. My personal opinion only a doctor should be able to prescribe blood pressure meds and even then it should only be a heart doctor. Not a mental heath psychologist. That was just one of the many awful things about the pills. I have a personal question? I wont be offended if you don’t answer either. I was wondering do you have a RH- blood type. Mine is o- . I only ask because so many people that I talk to with similar experiences more often than not have rh- blood type. If your answer is no you will be the first person I have asked that I did not guess right.

      • Actually I have been tested yearly for my thyroid my whole life because of family history and my weight issues and so far nothing has come up. It’s come under closer scrutiny since the Bipolar diagnosis too so I will give my doctors credit for that at least.

        Oddly enough, no I’m not RH- and yeah they tested me for that too when I lost my first baby. I didn’t know I was pregnant and came into ER in crisis and got the news that way. It hit me hard. So much blood work that day.

        I’ll have to ask my mother but I distinctly remember having regular blood work done all the time as a child but I wasn’t taking meds back then – unless you count the vitamins. They just always had me in the lab for testing. Everyone was worried about my size and weight. But naturally I never saw the results or paperwork.

      • Well thyroid problems can cause all sorts of havoc, ranging from metabolic to psychiatric symptoms. It should be one of the first things to check if you are having issues with either.

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