A Push Back Against Keep Your Children Home Day Movement

Last week I posted about a growing movement protesting against FedEd and the Common Core known as Keep Your Children Home Day.

As I posted that I thought the timing of the school’s letter regarding attendance to be really odd. And now it’s been brought to my attention that this movement has received some push back from an unexpected source. I’m posting the link to that source not to scare or discourage anyone, but because I think you have the right to know exactly what was said before I address it.

Why I’m Not Joining The Keep Your Child From School Day Push

So now that you have read this argument (I hope) against the movement, let’s pull out the author’s bullet list of opinions (the formatting is mine) regarding the movement:

  • I appreciate the zeal those promoting this event have in fighting the Common Core State Standards.  We need people who are fired up to speak out against unprecedented centralization of education.
  • I want to affirm that parents absolutely have the right to take their children out of school for whatever reason.
  • I don’t think it’s a good idea to use our kids to fight Common Core in this manner.  I’m all for boycotting assessments where it is legal to do so, but this event could have unintended consequences.  We have the right to take our kids out of school for the day, but that doesn’t mean it is always wise to do so.
  • It doesn’t seem take into consideration the nuances of different state laws and/or school district policies concerning student attendance and truancy that could possibly have a negative impact on individual students.
  • It gives Common Core advocates another opportunity to label us as extreme.
  • It gives the perception that we are all anti-public school.

Okay so I have formatted the points the author used to make it clear that this movement isn’t a good idea. Immediately what comes to mind is fear mongering. Why? Let me break this down:

This Event Could Have Unintended Consequences

Yeah that’s true. The same could have been said of the Testing Opt-Out movement – and it did, the government is trying to buckle down harder on us and schools are using this movement to their advantage – but the TAE, the activist group you are a part of supports this Testing Opt-Out movement, but not the Keep Your Child Home Day movement.

You go on to say that while we have the right to do this it isn’t always right to do so. How is it wiser to trigger the shit we already brought on, and continue to bring on, by opting out of tests but get nowhere with than to try something different that will speak louder? Oh… that’s right, the all important attendance….

It Doesn’t Seem To Take Into Consideration The Nuances Of Different State Laws And/Or School District Policies Concerning Student Attendance And Truancy

Pretty sure I ranted about attendance and truancy laws and policies in my last post concerning this movement. It’s not that hard to do a little homework to find out what these laws and policies are for your state and school district. Let me be clear: there are no “nuances” to this shit. Either your child is in class or not. Either the absence is counted as excused or not. Either the child’s absences have reached the limit towards truancy or not. This is black and white stuff. And I’m pretty sure that all you creative thinking parents out there that want to participate in this movement can come up with a way to make sure your child’s absence is legally counted as excused. Or not. Maybe your child isn’t prone to absence throughout the year or maybe in your state the truancy laws have some wiggle room so taking a hit of ONE DAY OF THE YEAR IS NO BIG DEAL FOR SOMETHING THIS IMPORTANT. But what do I know? I’m just a parent that is really frustrated with every year fighting with the broken school system for the fair chance at an education for my kids. I have no doubt that every special needs parent out there feels me on this one.

It Gives Common Core Advocates Another Opportunity To Label Us As Extreme

Correct me if I’m wrong, but remember the Boston Tea Party and how EXTREME the British thought THAT was so very long ago? They were rebels rebelling against the things they believed to be wrong and that needed to be righted. And now we are doing the same thing here. And we not even destroying anything! We can’t not be afraid of a label. I cannot say this enough. That is their shit. That is their fear. That is their baggage to carry. Not. Our. Problem. We have enough on our plates taking care of our children. We do not need to start babysitting the feelings of these government officials too. They are in those positions (and paid) to represent us – not the other way around. That’s the way it’s supposed to work. They are paid to do those jobs. As a matter of fact it’s our Constitutional right to define their jobs as our representatives. And it just so happens that the same is true of these school boards. We don’t work for them. They are supposed to be working for us. All around they are either elected officials or are appointed by elected officials. Which means for the people, by the people. So it is time to make them do their jobs.

It Gives The Perception That We Are All Anti-Public School

We are anti BROKEN school system. Period. Quit twisting this message! Why send ANY kid to ANY broken, messed up school that isn’t working? It doesn’t matter what kind of school it is. This doesn’t have to do with public anything. You wouldn’t pay directly out of pocket for this broken service with a private school but our public schools are paid for directly out of our paychecks via taxes. It’s no different. It’s not free. Yet we are expected to be okay with this broken service due to the illusion of it being free. Services have been paid for so I want services rendered. And I don’t want this broken system they keep trying to pass off as services. So no, we are not anti-public school. If we were none of our children would be in the public school system in the first place and we wouldn’t be having this conversation at all, now would we?



Now is not the time to lose steam. Now is not the time to fracture. We are many, we have numbers, and we have a voice! But we need to unite and pull together. USPIE is a growing organization. Right now only 18 states are left without chapters but they could have them if leaders are willing to step forward. Turns out they are supporting the Keep Your Child Home Day. So if you still want to participate in this movement you still can through them. The choice is still yours. Because as we already know, Parents Know How to Rally!

Edit [10/7/2016]: It’s been brought to my attention that USPIE has decided with regret that they are postponing Keep Your Child Home Day for a future date. Not to worry though, it IS still on the horizon but with better plans on the way and more. Stay tuned, for we will not stay silent and we will not be pushed back into the dark!

2 thoughts on “A Push Back Against Keep Your Children Home Day Movement

  1. Empty the schools. Keep them empty until Common Core dies. Any other course of action is a waste of time and will result in making Common Core stronger. Yes, Common Core really is THAT bad.

    • I won’t argue that the Common Core is that bad. Just keep in mind that if you wish to do this for an extended period of time, then the children need to go somewhere. Where ever we place our children, Common Core will set their sights there. Homeschool advocates and lobbyists are already aware of the stakes and have been in this fight on their own front lines for some time now. Bottom line: there is no true safe haven from the Common Core. Everyone is effected by it. You even have to be careful about it when shopping for homeschool materials.

      Emptying the schools until Common Core is starved out could possibly be done but it’s not for the faint of heart. Each state has its own regulations governing homeschooling that a parent needs to abide by. It is a commitment for the long haul and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. If a parent wishes to take this path then they need to do their homework and plan ahead.

      The best place to start is at http://www.hslda.org/ where a parent can get legal assistance and guidance with the homeschool laws as well as resources. The thing to keep in mind is in most states you are financially on your own with this so it’s all or nothing. So far from what I have heard from the few parents that have received financial aid, they have had to go through a school to do it and do things the school’s way. Not exactly homeschooling by my definition. Sounds to me more akin to what special education calls Homebound. So for those out there that wish to truly starve the beast by going the way of homeschooling, they need to truly sever themselves from the public and charter school systems entirely.

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