Toad’s Chaos Rally Music Party

The year 2016 was rough for many of us. I won’t lie it was rough for me too. I’ve lost count on how many times I had to rally myself up to keep going. So it got me thinking that instead of doing a “remember when” this year I would launch a music rally on my blog. It’s going to be a playlist we can share, add to, grow, and use to get to know more bloggers. The idea here is we are banding together to rally, support, and encourage one another to keep going no matter how tough it gets.


So here’s the rules

  1. Listen or go over the play list
  2. Choose one song to add to the play list
    • It can be any genre or artist
    • Must be uplifting that encourages you to keep at it
  3. Post with a link back why you chose the song you did to add to the play list
  4. And by all means feel free to introduce your blog here in the comments below
  5. Mingle around in the comments and visit other blogs!

Add your song HERE.

Here’s the current play list:


13 thoughts on “Toad’s Chaos Rally Music Party

  1. Sorry my wonderful friend I have no blog. I waited til I got home and started drinking tonight. First time I’ve been drunk in years! My song is carryon my wayward son! Love and miss you my friend!!!!

    • Wow, not only is this a sweet song but you just introduced me to a new band! Thanks so much for the share! <3 This will be added to the song list. Happy New Year to you as well!

  2. Pingback: I can see for miles, miles, miles… – Chicken Risotto

  3. Pingback: 2018 Chaos Rally #24 – Meet Team Goblin! | The Art of Chaos

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