2018 Chaos Rally #52 ~ Happy New Year!

The year 2018 is coming to a close and Team Goblin has a tarot forecast for the coming year and of course we’ve got party music for the Chaos Rally playlist along with an additional playlist with all the music featured this year.

This Coming Year’s Forecast

CR-A-12-28-18The purpose of this Chaos Rally tarot reading is to take a look at the coming year and see in what way we can challenge ourselves to do better in regards to our overall wellness. I ask you to approach this as a fun brainstorming session of possibilities rather than me prescribing a course of action to you.

And again, in terms of wellness I want to point out that this applies to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. All four of these comprise the total sense of being and need to be taken care of in order to be well. As always, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure to speak to the appropriate professional before making changes to your care plan. This is especially true if my reading for some reason inspires a change in diet, exercise, supplements, or medications, or even raises a concern regarding to your health.

I’m not a specialist in any of these fields. My goal is to look at how to manage wellness in the presence and with the cooperation of your professional care team. Please keep this in mind when going over this reading.

Here is the image of this coming year’s reading.CR-B-12-28-18

The Challenge: King of Wands

The challenge for 2019 is to come up with a clear plan of action.

CR-C-12-28-18Monday Button’s position represents the challenge you need to be working on at this time. Thus, what you need to be working on right now is found within the King of Wands.

This persona within the tarot’s court is one of vision and action. This is someone that isn’t afraid to shape the world around them to the image they hold in their mind.

The challenge for 2019 is to come up with a clear plan of action.

The Lesson: Three of Swords

In order to truly heal from our wounds, at some point we all need to let it go in our own way.

CR-D-12-28-18Grim Lee’s position represents what you need to be learning while working on your challenge. Therefore, your lesson at this time is found within the Three of Swords.

The Three of Swords represents the pain that comes from heartbreaks, disappointments, and betrayals. The lesson to be learned here is that in order to truly heal from our wounds, at some point we all need to let it go in our own way.

Honor what you feel, but don’t hide away from yourself or the world forever.

CR-E-12-28-18Lessons from the Suit of Swords are often a double edged blade to deal with.

Forward movement with a clear vision as encouraged here in the King of Wands is likely to be blocked or slowed until the wounds from the Three of Swords is healed. However, forward movement may very well be the healing salve you need.

The point I’m trying to make here is: honor what you feel, but don’t hide away from yourself or the world forever. You are worthy and you deserve to live your life.

The Inner Lie: Hermit

Do not deny the need for space to think for yourself.

CR-F-12-28-18Murphy Law’s position represents the false belief you need to overcome while working on your challenge. The inner lie at this time is revealed within the Hermit.

The Hermit is about introspection, soul searching, and seeking answers on your own. We all need time to spend on our own to figure things out.

Whether we do this through meditation, going out for walks by ourselves, hanging out in new places without our usual crowd, or moving outside of our typical influences, it doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that we get the chance to have the space we need to think for ourselves. Do not deny this need.

Time alone for introspection is important for gaining clarity in your vision and intentions for this coming year.

CR-G-12-28-18Time alone for introspection is important for gaining clarity in your vision and intentions for this coming year.

Without a clear idea of what you want to be doing in 2019, you’ll spend it wandering around not accomplishing much.

It will also help you remain clear with those plans as the year progresses.

Make a point to take time for yourself to do the work on your end for self healing.

CR-H-12-28-18You will also need time on your own to work on self healing.

This isn’t to discredit doctors, therapists, specialists, or any other professional out there. On the contrary. In fact, I encourage you to seek one out if you need one.

What I am saying is these individuals can only do so much for you. There is also work to be done on your end that you need to be addressing as well. For example, they can’t let go of your past for you. That’s something that you have to find a way to do on your own. They can help, but ultimately you have to do it.

It’s like physical therapy in this regard. You can be shown the exercises, but you still have to do them in order for them to be any good.

So this year, make a point to take time for yourself to do the work on your end for self healing.

Don’t allow others to rob quality time alone from you, but also don’t allow it to hinder you from taking action.

CR-I-12-28-18As you can see with these three cards together, quality time alone is vital. It allows you to gain clarity on your personal goals as well as work on personal healing.

Don’t allow others to rob this precious time away from you, but also be sure to not allow it to hinder you from taking action. It’s a delicate balance you will need to be aware of and maintain.

The Wisdom: Seven of Cups

This coming year, allow yourself to dream and explore options, but don’t get lost in the process of doing that.

CR-J-12-28-18Wise Toad’s position represents the wisdom to keep in mind as you work on your challenge. The wisdom you need at this time is found within the Seven of Cups.

This is a card that’s all about dreams, options, wishful thinking, and decision making. The wisdom being offered here for the year of 2019 overall, is to allow yourself to do that without getting lost in the process of it.

Once you have decided what it is you want to do this coming year, make clear actionable goals that will get you there.

CR-K-12-28-18Take the time to explore your options and opportunities throughout the year. Once you have decided what it is you want to do, make clear actionable goals that will get you there.

Resist the temptation to wallow in times past and daydream about what could have been.

CR-L-12-28-18Resist the temptation to wallow in times past and daydream about what could have been. It does not serve a purpose in moving you forward in life. Nor will it serve to truly heal you.

Make good use of your quality alone time to explore your options and make the decisions you need to make for yourself this coming year.

CR-M-12-28-18Make good use of your quality alone time to explore your options and make the decisions you need to make for yourself this coming year. This will allow you to dream and future pace as you need to and look ahead to where you want to go without external interference or pressure.


The year of 2019 has the potential for personal growth and healing through introspection, planning, and decision making.

CR-N-12-28-18The year of 2019 has the potential for personal growth and healing through introspection, planning, and decision making as indicated with these four cards.

This Coming Year’s Playlist

Here is the music playlist inspired by the overall theme presented in this reading.

Playlist for 2018


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Chaos Rally tarot reading. If you found it helpful to you, please let me know in the comments below.

If you’d like a personalized Chaos Rally reading of your own, you can order one here at my Tode’s Tarot online store.

~ The images used for the Team Goblin characters were found on pixabay.com under the CC0 license.
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in renders can be found here.
~ Panda Tarot by Severino Baraldi (Illustrator), Lo Scarabeo (Author) © 2017

In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to this reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

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