2019 Chaos Rally #42

In this coming week’s wellness tarot challenge, we explore integrating versus disintegrating within the community and how it influences the Karmic Scales. Read on for details!

This Coming Week’s Reading

CR-01-10-18-19The purpose of this Chaos Rally tarot reading is to take a look at the coming week and see in what way we can challenge ourselves to do better in regards to our overall wellness. I ask you to approach this as a fun brainstorming session of possibilities rather than me prescribing a course of action to you.

And again, in terms of wellness I want to point out that this applies to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. All four of these comprise the total sense of being and need to be taken care of in order to be well. As always, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure to speak to the appropriate professional before making changes to your care plan. This is especially true if my reading for some reason inspires a change in diet, exercise, supplements, or medications, or even raises a concern regarding to your health.

I’m not a specialist in any of these fields. My goal is to look at how to manage wellness in the presence and with the cooperation of your professional care team. Please keep this in mind when going over this reading.

Here is the image of this coming week’s reading.


The Challenge: The World

Ask yourself what fulfills you and how do you integrate that with your community.

CR-03-10-18-19Monday Button’s position represents the challenge you need to be working on at this time. Thus, what you need to be working on right now is found within the World.

This card represents integration, completion, involvement, fulfillment, a sense of accomplishment, and community.

This is a huge, and reoccurring, topic within the disability, mental illness, and special needs community. And why is that? It’s because happiness is fleeting, moment by moment. Meanwhile, true integration within a community and finding fulfillment within that is life long.

Every one deserves that. It’s a human right. We all have a basic need at the core level to belong. Including you.

So the challenge this coming week is to ask yourself what fulfills you and how do you integrate that with your community.

What does your community even look like? Is it just your friends and family? Your entire town? Maybe it’s an online community. You get to define your community, but I would think it’s whomever you are willing to pour your energy into.

The Lesson: Page of Cups

You need to embrace the idea that all emotions are valid and real.

CR-04-10-18-19Grim Lee’s position represents what you need to be learning while working on your challenge. Therefore, your lesson at this time is found within the Page of Cups.

Pages represent the child or student of the court in the tarot while cups represent the flowing, watery nature of emotions. So here with the Page of Cups we have the learning, discovery, and exploration of the heart space and the emotions within.

Since this card landed in the lesson position, I think it’s safe to say that the lesson here is that you need to embrace the idea that all emotions are valid and real.

There are no good or bad emotions. They are just messages from the subconscious mind in response to stimulus from either the world around us or the world within us. Knowing this, we need to honor that and start responding to them accordingly.

How do you integrate someone? Allow them to feel heard and understood.

CR-05-10-18-19Embracing all emotions is particularly important when we start interacting with the community. When you fail to honor the emotions of others, you fail to integrate them.

What is the opposite of integration? Disintegration. Yes, that’s what you are doing to their hearts when you dishonor their emotions.

How do you integrate someone? Allow them to feel heard and understood.

The Inner Lie: Justice

Karmic Law requires that when something is taken, something must be given in return.

CR-06-10-18-19Murphy Law’s position represents the false belief you need to overcome while working on your challenge. The inner lie at this time is revealed within Justice.

This card represents responsibility, the balance of Karmic Law, justice, and decision making.

Life feels unfair at times. Sometimes it seems like you are working so hard and getting nothing out of it while someone else is getting a free ride. Trust me when I say nothing in this world is free.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred, transformed, or transmuted. So Karmic Law requires that when something is taken, something must be given in return. This is true even for gifts. Nothing is free. Ever. And if you don’t choose what is given and what is taken, the universe will choose for you.

If you feel life isn’t quite working out for you, try evening out the scales with people. Also trust in the knowledge that just because it may look like someone is getting a free ride to you, there may be things going on behind the scenes you can’t see.

Integration is a woven fabric of interdependence involving equal parts of give and take.

CR-07-10-18-19Integration is a woven fabric of interdependence involving equal parts of give and take. The moment someone tips the scales on either side is the moment collaboration falls apart and disintegration of this fabric begins. Resentment sets in as resources are depleted. People burn out. Friction sparks and tempers flares. This won’t end until true collaboration is restored.

When we start suppressing certain emotions, we create imbalances within ourselves.

CR-08-10-18-19Again, all emotions are valid and real. When we start suppressing certain emotions, we create imbalances within ourselves. This creates blockages and overtime it creates disease in our bodies. Every emotion we have requires a healthy outlet.

A balance is vital and it’s your responsibility to do your part in maintaining it.

CR-09-10-18-19A balance is vital and it’s your responsibility to do your part in maintaining it. You must be sure to observe and practice the Karmic Law of Give and Take within the community as you collaborate with others. This includes honoring the emotions within others and yourself. If you are not able to do this, instead of integrating with others, you will be disintegrating.

The Wisdom: Knight of Swords

Be mindful of your words and don’t allow your passion to get in your own way.

CR-10-10-18-19Wise Toad’s position represents the wisdom to keep in mind as you work on your challenge. The wisdom you need at this time is found within the Knight of Swords.

The Knight represents the teenager or messenger within the court of the tarot while the swords represents the airy qualities of the mind. So here with the Knight of Swords we have the dual nature of swiftness and intellect. This is someone that is knowledgeable, logical, and cuts to the chase. How this is received largely depends on the delivery.

It can either come across as an incisive, direct, and authoritative person or… it can come across as a cutting, blunt, and opinionated blow hard.

The wisdom here is to always be mindful of your words and don’t allow your passion to get in your own way.

You want to integrate with people, not cut them down and trample on them.

CR-11-10-18-19You want to integrate with people, not cut them down and trample on them. Absolutely do not charge in and try to take over if it’s not your project to start with. If it is your project and people are helping you, try to loosen up the reigns a bit and let them do it.

Don’t attempt to tell people how they feel or why to feel a certain way.

CR-12-10-18-19Don’t attempt to tell people how they feel or why to feel a certain way. Remember, emotions are messages from our subconscious mind. This is something we don’t control. We can only control how we behave in response to those messages. Therefore, the messages must be honored accordingly.

Any time you tip the scales in either direction, you end up with Karmic Debt until those scales are balanced again.

CR-13-10-18-19Any time you tip the scales in either direction, you end up with Karmic Debt until those scales are balanced again.

So when you cut someone down, it’s a debt. When you take without giving, it’s a debt. When you trample on someone to get where you’re going, it’s a debt. When you break a heart, it’s a debt. When you lie or distort the truth to get what you want or need, it’s a debt. The list goes on. And rectification requires that you pay off this debt in order to restore the balance of these scales.

You cannot just blindly rush off and do whatever it is you want without considering what it is you’re really doing in your life.


The choice is yours through your daily habits.

CR-14-10-18-19Remain mindful that your actions constantly influence the Karma Scales, not just the people around you. This has a direct impact on whether or not you are integrating or disintegrating into your community. As a result, you are either raising the emotional well-being of yourself and those in your life, or you are decreasing it. The choice is yours through your daily habits.

This Coming Week’s Playlist

Here is the music playlist inspired by the overall theme presented in this reading.


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Chaos Rally tarot reading. If you found it helpful to you, please let me know in the comments below.

If you’d like a personalized Chaos Rally reading of your own, you can order one here at my Tode’s Tarot online store.

~ Universal Tarot by Lo Scarabeo (Author), R. De Angelis (Illustrator), A. E. Waite (Designer) © 2001
~ The images used for the Team Goblin characters were found on pixabay.com under the CC0 license.
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in renders can be found here.

In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to this reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

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