Changes to the Blog

First and foremost, starting at the beginning of May, the Daily Draw will be discontinued.

I think I started this particular project about year and half ago – maybe two – and within a few months in I discovered it was insanely taxing for me to do. Not sure why that is. It felt really stressful at first trying to post daily on a rigid schedule and staying on time. So… I tried to batch the posts and schedule them ahead of time.

Now what should have been fun little hobby type thing that I do, became this tedious chore that I dreaded to see come up on my task list in my calendar. I find myself wishing that I had the time and energy to do other kinds of writing. I find myself feeling like I am horrendously behind on the blog all the time.

Why do I bother explaining all this? It’s because I’ve come to realize that when I start feeling like this, it’s because I’m doing something that isn’t in alignment with my authentic self. When there is no joy or flow in what you’re doing then it’s time to make a change. It’s time to get back to the heart of who you really are.

So who the fuck am I? Someone that likes to talk about things that I find interesting and that are hopefully interesting and helpful to others. Things like games, writing, tarot, wellness, spirituality, and parenting – and well, I don’t know what else, the list is pretty long I guess.


Not to worry, I’m not going to remove the Daily Draw and leave a complete void in its wake. Originally I had wanted it to be themed on self-care. I don’t feel like it achieved that goal. Maybe that’s a big reason as to why I was so unhappy with it.

So starting next week on Wednesdays, I am launching a weekly self-care tarot challenge. The series will begin much like the other exploration series has, going through each card one at a time to explore the meaning within the assigned context. Once each card has been explored, it will switch over to a random weekly card. It’s my hope that this will accomplish what I had originally intended while also reserving more of my time and energy to invest into other projects elsewhere along with focusing on my life here at home.

Since I wasn’t sinking time into preparing and scheduling Daily Draw posts for next month, I was finally able to scan in my copy of the Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti into my computer. It’s now fully prepped and ready to go in my programs for rendering.

testIt might be awhile before we start seeing it in the regular cycle of my posts, due to the way I batch and schedule them, but I can’t wait to start using and working with this gorgeous deck. I am such a sucker for this man’s artwork. It’s now the second deck of his I own and I will shamelessly say that any support to the blog will not only go towards keeping it ad free, but will also go towards adding to my collection of his decks – of which he has many.

I am thinking about some other changes, but until I know for sure which direction I’m going to take I will leave it at that. I don’t wish to commit myself to a maybe when I don’t know what is or isn’t feasible right now. That and with this Covid-19 thing going on I theoretically have more time on my hands that I may not have later when my family’s appointments are back up in full swing again.

Until then, I’ll close this with my best wishes that you are all safe and well.

~ Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti (Illustrator and Author) © 2009
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in this rendered image can be found here.

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