2020 Chaos Rally #18

In this coming week’s wellness tarot challenge, we are asked to examine how we approach conflict and challenges in our lives. Read on for details!

This Coming Week’s Reading

CR-01-Week-18-2020The purpose of this Chaos Rally tarot reading is to take a look at the coming week and see in what way we can challenge ourselves to do better in regards to our overall wellness. I ask you to approach this as a fun brainstorming session of possibilities rather than me prescribing a course of action to you.

And again, in terms of wellness I want to point out that this applies to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. All four of these comprise the total sense of being and need to be taken care of in order to be well. As always, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure to speak to the appropriate professional before making changes to your care plan. This is especially true if my reading for some reason inspires a change in diet, exercise, supplements, or medications, or even raises a concern regarding to your health.

I’m not a specialist in any of these fields. My goal is to look at how to manage wellness in the presence and with the cooperation of your professional care team. Please keep this in mind when going over this reading.

Here is the image of this coming week’s reading.


The Challenge: Five of Wands

This coming week, examine the way you approach the challenges in your life.

CR-03-Week-18-2020Monday Button’s position represents the challenge you need to be working on at this time. Thus, what you need to be working on right now is found within the Five of Wands.

This card is asking us to examine the way we approach challenges in general.

Do we view them as inconveniences that stand in our way, or do we see them as opportunities to strengthen, develop, and grow? Our abilities typically don’t get tested and improve when life is easy.

Do we go into a challenge gunning for a fight, or do we enter them with the intent to learn? If we are going in with the intent to fight, then our minds are closed and most likely a fight is exactly what we’ll get. If we go in with curiosity, then we might discover something and there is a chance for peace.

The Lesson: Ace of Pentacles

If you want something good, you need to take the chance by putting in the effort towards that good thing.

CR-04-Week-18-2020Grim Lee’s position represents what you need to be learning while working on your challenge. Therefore, your lesson at this time is found within the Ace of Pentacles.

When a farmer plows and plants a field, he doesn’t know with absolute certainty that he will reap a good harvest, but he takes the chance and puts in the work for it anyway.

The same applies to all of us. If we want something good, we also need to take the chance and put in the effort towards that good thing. It’s incredibly rare for it to just fall into our laps. Even when it seems like it does, chances are there were choices that were made to align us right to that point for it to happen.

It is best to assume the most generous of intentions starting out when addressing conflict with others.

CR-05-Week-18-2020When facing any sort of conflict with others, take a chance by being generous with an open mind and curiosity. The willingness to actively listen doesn’t mean you must agree with them. It only means that you give them a fair chance to speak and honestly hear them out.

Remember, most people do and say what they do and say because they are wrapped up and focused in their lives – just like you. It seldom has anything to do with you personally and most often everything to do with whatever it is they have going on in their lives. Even if they are reacting to something you said or did, it’s still coming from a place within them. Yes, you may have triggered it and you need to own that, just as they need to own their reaction.

Essentially, it is best to assume the most generous of intentions starting out when addressing conflict with others. This gets you going on the right foot towards a middle ground. You can always switch gears and act accordingly if someone proves their intentions to be less than kind. These cards aren’t saying to be a doormat. It’s just saying to give people a chance. What they do with that chance is up to them.

The Inner Lie: Seven of Wands

Learn which hills are worth dying on and which ones to walk away from.

CR-06-Week-18-2020Murphy Law’s position represents the false belief you need to overcome while working on your challenge. The inner lie at this time is revealed within the Seven of Wands.

People aren’t always out to get you and you don’t always need to be right. Choose your battles wisely. You don’t need to fight every battle you’re invited to and life will invite you into many battles. Your time and energy are precious resources to be invested in worthwhile endeavors. Learn which hills are worth dying on and which ones to walk away from.

Defensiveness during interpersonal conflict is a means to come up with excuses in order to shift blame elsewhere.

CR-07-Week-18-2020These two cards asks you to step back and examine your feelings of defensiveness during a conflict.

Something to be aware of is that defensiveness is a means to come up with excuses in order to shift blame elsewhere. So why you feel the need to do that, it’s time to ask yourself why. It’s not about what anyone else is or isn’t doing. This is about you and whatever it is you’re trying to shift off yourself.

Why are you doing that and what purpose is it serving instead of just owning your behavior?

True connection with others occurs through vulnerability and this only happens without the walls.

CR-08-Week-18-2020Be generous to others by taking that chance and let your guard down. Not everything needs to be a battle and your walls don’t need to be up all the time. True connection with others occurs through vulnerability and this only happens without the walls. It does take courage and effort, but it is worth it in the long run.

By taking a chance in releasing our defenses during conflict in order to be more open to others, we are able to increase our skills in vulnerability and connection.

CR-09-Week-18-2020The biggest thing to learn here is letting go of our defensiveness in order to become more open with others when facing conflict. By doing this, we increase our skills in vulnerability and connection.

The Wisdom: Three of Cups

Focus on the things in your life to celebrate over rather than things to complain about

CR-10-Week-18-2020Wise Toad’s position represents the wisdom to keep in mind as you work on your challenge. The wisdom you need at this time is found within the Three of Cups.

The wisdom here is to focus on the things in your life to celebrate over rather than things to complain about. While life might not be one great, big endless party it still has many things to be happy about if you are willing to take the time to appreciate them.

Whatever challenge you are facing, do your best to find whatever good you can in it.

CR-11-Week-18-2020Whatever challenge you are facing, do your best to find whatever good you can in it. There isn’t a need to make yourself more miserable than necessary with it. Things tend to go more smoothly when we approach it with an adventurous spirit as opposed to a begrudging one.

Abundance is found only with an abundance mindset.

CR-12-Week-18-2020Abundance is found only with an abundance mindset. The reason for this is due to the confirmation bias that is built into every human brain.

So when you think with an abundance mentality and think of opportunities for good things often enough, you subconsciously start to look for that in your every day life. The more you look for that, the more you find it. The more you find it, the more it confirms your mentality. The more it’s confirmed, the more you think that way.

It’s important to note that this applies to negative thinking as well. So if you’ve been in the habit of this type of thinking, it will take time to create a new, more positive feedback loop in your life. Neither loop occurs overnight. Nothing habitual happens overnight. Good or bad. It all requires effort, practice, and time.

Having your walls up may keep out a lot of pain, but it also prevents you from experiencing a lot of joy as well.

CR-13-Week-18-2020It’s not possible to celebrate anything if you are too busy defending yourself all the time. Yes, having your walls up may keep out a lot of pain, but it also prevents you from experiencing a lot of joy as well. Being defensive doesn’t allow you to experience life to the fullest.


Some of the greatest joys we experience in life is found in the connections with others.

CR-14-Week-18-2020Some of the greatest joys we experience in life is found in the connections with others. We achieve these connections when we are willing to take a chance to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and approach conflict with openness. We can permit ourselves to start out our interactions with the generous assumption that people have the best intentions until they prove otherwise. We can give ourselves the opportunity to focus on and celebrate the good around us.


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Chaos Rally reading. If you found it helpful to you, please let me know in the comments below. If you’d like a personalized Chaos Rally reading of your own, you can order one at Tode’s Tarot.

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~ Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti (Illustrator and Author) © 2009
~ The images used for the Team Goblin characters were found on pixabay.com under the CC0 license.
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in renders can be found here.

In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to this reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

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