2020 Chaos Rally #29

In this coming week’s wellness tarot challenge, we are called to assess the types of dynamics we are engaging in with all of our relationships. Read on for details!

This Coming Week’s Reading


The purpose of this Chaos Rally tarot reading is to take a look at the coming week and see in what way we can challenge ourselves to do better in regards to our overall wellness. I ask you to approach this as a fun brainstorming session of possibilities rather than me prescribing a course of action to you.

And again, in terms of wellness I want to point out that this applies to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. All four of these comprise the total sense of being and need to be taken care of in order to be well. As always, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure to speak to the appropriate professional before making changes to your care plan. This is especially true if my reading for some reason inspires a change in diet, exercise, supplements, or medications, or even raises a concern regarding to your health.

I’m not a specialist in any of these fields. My goal is to look at how to manage wellness in the presence and with the cooperation of your professional care team. Please keep this in mind when going over this reading.

Here is the image of this coming week’s reading.


The Challenge: Two of Cups

Examine the health and well-being of your partnerships.


Monday Button’s position represents the challenge you need to be working on at this time. Thus, what you need to be working on right now is found within the Two of Cups.

The challenge for this coming week is to examine the health and well-being of your partnerships.

A partnership can be business, platonic, family, or romantic. It’s about the functioning dynamic between two people. Is it healthy? Is it working for both of you? Can it continue as it is, do adjustments need to be made, or does it need to come to an end? There is nothing wrong with making the occasional “state of the union” assessment to ensure that all is well for both of you.

The Lesson: The Devil

What things in your life right now that prevent you from truly moving forward do you need to let go of?


Grim Lee’s position represents what you need to be learning while working on your challenge. Therefore, your lesson at this time is found within the Devil.

The lesson to be learned here is letting go of unhealthy connections and habits.

What things in your life right now that prevent you from truly moving forward do you need to let go of? Is it a person, job, or habit?

Habits like gossiping, contempt, stonewalling, defensiveness, and criticism erode the foundational health and well-being of any relationship.


It’s easy to think of things like substance abuse, but what about the destructive habits like gossiping? What about contempt, stonewalling, defensiveness, or criticism? These are all habits that erode the foundational health and well-being of any relationship.

If these habits are popping up in your relationships, you need to step back and ask yourself why. If you are not able to shift out of these habits into healthier behaviors, then the dynamics you experience will continue to be destructive and strife with conflict.

If the people you are with are unable to shift out of these habits into healthier behaviors, then you will need to let them go and move on.

The Inner Lie: Three of Swords

It really is better all around to just tell the truth from the start.


Murphy Law’s position represents the false belief you need to overcome while working on your challenge. The inner lie at this time is revealed within the Three of Swords.

Yes, the truth can hurt but it hurts more the longer it’s kept a secret. The reason for this is because it creates a sense of betrayal. This is especially the case if lies of any kind had to be told in order for the secret to be kept.

Once the betrayal is discovered, the keeper of the secret is immediately relieved but the one betrayed has experienced a deep wound known as betrayal trauma. This requires a great deal of emotional and psychological care in order to heal. It really is better all around to just tell the truth from the start.

Honesty and transparency are major components for a solid foundation of trust.


The betrayal of dishonesty can completely destroy any relationship. Whether it’s one big lie or a collective series of little white lies, it doesn’t matter. Honesty and transparency are major components for a solid foundation of trust.

Any form of dishonesty binds you.


Any form of dishonesty binds you. The chains from that become more convoluted as you try to keep up with the ever growing facade. As you continue to attempt to contain it, the weight will crush you. Eventually, the truth will slice itself free and cause damage to everyone involved.

No relationship can remain healthy within these types of conditions for extended periods of time.


The most damaging habits in relationships we need to shift away from are dishonesty, gossip, contempt, stonewalling, criticism, and defensiveness. These habits betray the trust we hold for one another and corrupt the dynamics between us. No relationship can remain healthy within these types of conditions for extended periods of time.

The Wisdom: Judgement

The best apology includes changed behavior.


Wise Toad’s position represents the wisdom to keep in mind as you work on your challenge. The wisdom you need at this time is found within Judgement.

Judgement is the card that calls us to awaken and redeem ourselves by either changing our behavior or walking in our life’s purpose.

The wisdom to keep in mind for this coming week is that the best apology includes changed behavior. Whatever it is that you may have done, or not done, the best thing to do moving forward is to start rectifying it.

If you’re not willing to accept responsibility for your behavior within a relationship, then need to ask yourself what your intentions truly are.


If someone tells you that you have caused them harm in some way, it is not for you to tell them they’re wrong.

You have only one of two choices here to make. Either you accept responsibility for what it is you have done and make amends, or you don’t.

If you’re not willing to accept responsibility for your behavior within a relationship, then need to ask yourself what your intentions truly are. Being unwilling to repair within a relationship corrodes the dynamic between the two of you.

If you are not happy with the current situation you are in, then it is time to start making a different series of choices for yourself.


If you are not happy with the current situation you are in, then it is time to start making a different series of choices for yourself.

This is a difficult pill to swallow for many people and it’s not one intended to victim shame anyone. The reality is though, that one you realize what’s going on, you then have the power to start doing things differently. Understand it may take some planning, effort, and time to make it happen but it’s still up to you.

Being held accountable for your behavior is sometimes a painful process.


Being held accountable for your behavior is sometimes a painful process. No one is perfect and we’re all human. However, if you are willing to view it as a progression in development rather than as a proclamation of failure, you will find that personal evolution is anything to be ashamed of.


Out of all the things we experience in life, it is our relationships that challenge us to learn, grow, and evolve the most.


Out of all the things we experience in life, it is our relationships that challenge us to learn, grow, and evolve the most. It is through relationships that we learn to either honor ourselves and others by being authentic and transparent, or to create harm by engaging in toxic dynamic behaviors. We are the ones that choose which types of dynamics we foster and sustain in our lives.


Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s Chaos Rally reading. If you found it helpful to you, please let me know in the comments below. If you’d like a personalized Chaos Rally reading of your own, you can order one at Tode’s Tarot.

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~ Mystic Dreamer Tarot by Heidi Darras (Illustrator), Barbara Moore (Author) © 2012
~ The images used for the Team Goblin characters were found on pixabay.com under the CC0 license.
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in renders can be found here.

In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to this reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.

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