2020 Chaos Rally #32

In this coming week’s wellness tarot challenge, we are called to make a decision, step out of our comfort zones, and try something new this week. Read on for details!

This Coming Week’s Reading


The purpose of this Chaos Rally tarot reading is to take a look at the coming week and see in what way we can challenge ourselves to do better in regards to our overall wellness. I ask you to approach this as a fun brainstorming session of possibilities rather than me prescribing a course of action to you.

And again, in terms of wellness I want to point out that this applies to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the self. All four of these comprise the total sense of being and need to be taken care of in order to be well. As always, and I cannot stress this enough, be sure to speak to the appropriate professional before making changes to your care plan. This is especially true if my reading for some reason inspires a change in diet, exercise, supplements, or medications, or even raises a concern regarding to your health.

I’m not a specialist in any of these fields. My goal is to look at how to manage wellness in the presence and with the cooperation of your professional care team. Please keep this in mind when going over this reading.

Here is the image of this coming week’s reading.


The Challenge: The Fool

This coming week try something new or different.


Monday Button’s position represents the challenge you need to be working on at this time. Thus, what you need to be working on right now is found within the Fool.

The challenge for this coming week is to try something new or different. This could be exploring new foods, starting a new project, learning a new skill, developing a new habit, or simply just going to new places you haven’t been before.

The Lesson: Eight of Cups

Learn how to let go of things that no longer support your growth and development.


Grim Lee’s position represents what you need to be learning while working on your challenge. Therefore, your lesson at this time is found within the Eight of Cups.

Learn how to let go of things that no longer support your growth and development. Carry the lesson or inspiration from the experience with you, but leave the rest of it behind you.

It’s important to note here that sometimes this may even be something we think we enjoy but it holds us back from moving forward in our lives. Indulging in this types of pleasures once in awhile may be fine, but not if it prevents us from achieving our goals. If this is happening, then it’s time to let it go.

Have the courage to step out into the unknown and leave your comfort zone behind in order to grow and develop.


Personal stagnation is something that needs to be avoided. And oddly enough, it’s our comfort zones that foster stagnation the most. This is where we need to have the courage to step out into the unknown and leave our comfort zones behind.

The Inner Lie: Two of Swords

Inner peace can be found, but only after a decision is made.


Murphy Law’s position represents the false belief you need to overcome while working on your challenge. The inner lie at this time is revealed within the Two of Swords.

Inner peace can be found, but only after a decision is made. Overthinking only creates inner turmoil. The longer you deliberate over your options, the longer you create torment for yourself and possibly for others.

Gridlock is another form of stagnation since there isn’t any forward movement with it.


Gridlock is another form of stagnation since there isn’t any forward movement with it. While deliberation and debate has its uses for uncovering details and facts, there comes a point where a decision needs to be made and action must be taken. Otherwise, turmoil continues while you stagnate within your chaotic comfort zone.

Once a decision has been made, you can leave the turmoil behind and move forward with conviction.


Once a decision has been made, you can leave the turmoil behind and move forward with conviction. There is freedom in having made and acting upon a decision. And since you never really know how anything will fully play out, go with what you feel will make you the happiest in the long term. Release yourself of the worry about any of the other paths you could have taken.

Peace only comes once you have accepted a decision and acted upon it.


Peace does not come by sitting around and deliberating. It only comes once you have accepted a decision and acted upon it. Master the art of this process to keep yourself moving forward on your journey.

The Wisdom: Four of Swords

While resting is important, make sure that it does not become procrastination.


Wise Toad’s position represents the wisdom to keep in mind as you work on your challenge. The wisdom you need at this time is found within the Four of Swords.

While resting is important, make sure that it does not become procrastination. Time waits for no one. Do not wait for the perfect moment to act. Rest up and prepare, but then take action to get things done. Otherwise you will discover life has passed you by without you realizing it.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying.


It is really tempting to linger in the safety of your comfort zone. However, staying there doesn’t allow for growth and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Make the effort to stretch yourself beyond the limits of your comfort zone in order to develop and evolve.

What are you willing to give up?


What are you willing to give up?

Are you willing to give up the opportunities you need in order to build the life of fulfillment you desire? Or are you willing to give up the things that hold you back from achieving that life?

What you want isn’t going to simply fall in your lap as you sit around and wait for it. You need to get out there, put in the effort, and find it.

Whatever it is that you are deliberating on that has you sitting on the back burner, make peace with it and choose something.


Whatever it is that you are deliberating on that has you sitting on the back burner, make peace with it and choose something. Life is moving on without you as you continue to sit there in turmoil over it. Choices are being made by default around you as you procrastinate on this.

No, not everyone will agree with you. And probably some people won’t be happy with it. However, it is you that will need to live with whatever choice you make so make the one that will make you the happiest in the long run. I cannot stress this enough.


Chances are, this is something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time but for whatever reason you have held yourself back. Do yourself a favor and give it a go.


The key take away here is that you can’t sit around waiting forever. Whatever it is that’s been on your mind, you need to decide if you’re going to actually do or not and finally put it to rest. Chances are, this is something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time but for whatever reason you have held yourself back. Do yourself a favor and give it a go.

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~ Necronomicon Tarot by Anne Stokes (Illustrator), Donald Tyson (Author) © 2012
~ The images used for the Team Goblin characters were found on pixabay.com under the CC0 license.
~ Credit for 3D model and assets used in renders can be found here.

Disclosure Statement: A tarot professional cannot predict the future with certainty and you should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, a tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof. Your tarot professional is bound by a self-imposed code of ethics, which can be viewed here.

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