Using the Sleep Diary to Assess the Bedtime Routine

The self-improvement challenge for this quarter is to improve the quality of sleep. Last week we reviewed how to set up and use a sleep diary. This week we’ll be reviewing the bedtime routine and how to assess it based upon the notes in that sleep diary.

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Improving Wellness with a Sleep Diary

Our behavior every day has a direct impact on our wellness. This behavior includes the way we sleep. A lack of quality sleep each day impairs our health. Because of this, sleep is not an option. It is a critical necessity. Good sleep hygiene behavior promotes wellness. In this article, I will discuss how to use a sleep diary to identify which behaviors we need to get quality sleep.
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Tode’s Weekly Assessment 2020-52

It has been a pretty good week. And I’m grateful that this is the first time in a long time that I haven’t been overwhelmed with dread during the holiday season. I don’t know if it’s because I’m finally healing or if it’s because of the restrictions that this Covid crisis ended up placing upon everyone in terms of gathering. I guess I’ll know for sure when next year comes around. Maybe it’s a sign I need to start doing things differently. I don’t know. I just know I don’t want it to go back to the way it was in the past.

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Tode’s Weekly Assessment 2020-51

It’s been a busy and productive week this week. Honestly, I wish things felt less hectic and that I didn’t have to choose between which balls to juggle and which to let drop. I suppose then my life wouldn’t be the “art of chaos” if I had the luxury to juggle everything everyday.

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Tode’s Weekly Assessment 2020-50

Another week where I haven’t tracked anything. Part of the problem is that I still haven’t replaced Little Bear’s broken monitor, so him and I are sharing a computer. The other problem is my sleep is all over the place. I need to be helping Tuxedo Cat with his remote learning during the day more while homeschooling Little Bear at night when he’s the most active. All the while I’m trying to figure out how I’m supposed to get caught up on the blog with what I still had planned to post and get ahead on whatever I’d like to do for next year. Let’s not even get into the struggle of balancing my love life and the holidays into all this. To say overwhelmed doesn’t even quite cut it here. At least I’m not a sinking ship that’s on fire this time around. So that’s something. I’m just one running with half the circuits tripped on the board, trying to fend off a total shutdown is all. But I’m not sinking and I’m not on fire, so that’s a win. I keep telling myself this. I will survive this crazy ass storm, just like I have with all the others before. But damn, I’m tired.

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Tode’s Weekly Assessment 2020-48

This week has felt busy and basically blurred by on me. I seriously need to get back in the habit of tracking my mood better than I have been. If nothing else, doing it and posting it here publicly holds me accountable. I really hate having a blank sheet go up because it means I’m not doing what I need to be doing.

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