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TGIF Chaos Rally #6

I’m in an emotional low right now. I’m being reminded that this is a normal response to what I’m facing. It’s normal to grieve when it’s confirmed that your child has a sick brain just like you. It’s normal to grieve when you hear that there is a possibility that your child’s severity might be greater than your own. It’s normal to be afraid.

It doesn’t help that the social-political environment of our country right now is fucked up. I don’t have a better way of putting it. I can tell just by the frequency of my posts here that I have been sliding my head into the sand. A part of me wants to wrap myself into a cocoon and pretend none of this shit is happening. Not in my life. Not in my world. Not in my universe.

But it is.

And here is the call to rally.

To keep writing. To keep going. To keep pushing forward.

What we say matters. What we do matters. Our words matter.

So the song I’m bumping up to the top of the list for this week’s Chaos Rally is Shinedown’s “Dangerous” because they can’t silence and censor all of us if we don’t let them. Our words are the most powerful weapon we have. Doesn’t matter if all we have left is a notebook to scribble on. Do it. Keep writing. Keep pushing forward. Keep sharing those thoughts. It matters. It’s how we learned about the Holocaust. Anne Frank had the courage to write. Never forget that. What we do today shapes tomorrow. Even Tolkien had a profound impact on the world with his words. Even if all you write is something to dream about, write it. It still matters. Now more than ever. We all need it. We need you.

Here’s the link to the YouTube page for the playlist:

The play list is getting longer and you are welcome to add more songs to the list. I know I’ll keep adding songs as I find them. The songs you add need to fit at least one of the following themes:

You can add them by clicking HERE. Remember the songs can be from any genre and be by any artist. If you don’t have a YouTube account that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions in the comments. I will add them to the playlist. At this rate by the end of the year we will have an awesome playlist for a seriously cool party to ring in 2018. That’s pretty sweet to think about.

How did your week go? I hope your weekend is great!

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