Current Plan for My Hypomania

Apparently I don’t have enough projects in my life. Maybe this is just my way of responding to the lack of constant crisis going on with my family? The sky isn’t falling and I don’t need to scramble around with damage control. The boys are doing well and even though I’m fairly certain I’ve slid into hypomania, I’m not in an acute need of care.

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I Now Have a Ko-Fi Page!

I’m really pleased with this and I hope it turns out well. When I upgraded my blog to remove ads, I prepared a PayPal account for monetization in the future. At that time, I discovered that if I set up a “Send Money” button for that, it would reveal my name and location. I’m not comfortable with that for multiple reasons. I decided that I needed a different solution.

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I’ve been Brooding about Three Things

I think the last personal post I’ve put up here on this blog, that didn’t involve a template, was back in early December. Since then I’ve been brooding (which looks like me playing FFXI while set to invisible mode) about many things while bookmarking stuff I’ve read online to sort out, mull over, and discuss later.

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